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  • Training

    Click here for NJSIG's Training and Services flyer

    Safety & Risk Control Training

    NJSIG's Safety and Risk Control Representatives are available upon request to provide in-house and virtual trainings related to slips, trips and falls, non-violent crisis intervention and more. Trainings can be conducted at the member's facility or virtually.

    VectorSolutions Online Training

    Formerly SafeSchools

    NJSIG offers more than 300 online courses through VectorSolutions at no cost to members. This includes, but it is not limited to, all courses that the New Jersey Department of Education requires. Real-time results are recorded and administrative reports are delivered to the members to facilitate easy compliance. To learn more about VectorSolutions, please call 800-434-0154, email support.education@vectorsolutions.com, or visit www.VectorSolutions.com.

    Defensive Driver Training

    NJSIG has partnered with National Safety Council to provide an online defensive driving training to members with Auto Liability and/or Workers' Compensation coverage at no cost for members who drive on behalf of the district. After completion of the course, attendees may be entitled to a discount on their personal auto liability insurer.