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  • NJSIG Incident Reporting Program

    Welcome to NJSIG's NEW Incident Reporting Program, which we designed to help our members put students in direct contact with the most appropriate resources available to keep them safe. All of our poster options are tailored to each county and come pre-loaded with emergency contact information, essential hotlines and helplines, and each county's anonymous crime reporting tool. We also have several customizable poster options where you can: add contact information for your school's anti-bullying coordinator, add your school's anonymous HIB reporting procedure, or add any other content that makes sense for your school. Keep reading to print your posters now!

    How Do I Create My School's Posters?

    Below you will find a pull-down menu of all New Jersey counties. Once you select a county, you will have the ability to download several posters, all tailored to that county, that are either ready to print ("PDF") or customizable as you wish ("Editable Publisher File").

    Select a county to see the associated files:

    PDF File – Ready to Print!

    The PDF file is opened with Adobe Acrobat and is a static poster that is 100% ready to print. It is tailored to each county, and includes the following: emergency contact information; school safety and child abuse hotlines; helplines for young adults, suicide prevention, LGBTQ support, addiction help; and each county's anonymous crime reporting tool. Print as many as you like!

    Editable Publisher File – Customizable!

    ** Microsoft Publisher is required to open and edit the provided .pub files. **

    The Editable Publisher File is opened with Microsoft Office Publisher and can be edited however you see fit. The Editable Publisher File is pre-loaded with emergency contact information, school safety and child abuse hotlines, helplines for suicide prevention and LGBTQ support, and each county's anonymous crime reporting tool. It also includes space where you can add contact information for your school’s anti-bullying coordinator, guidance counselor, or whomever else you deem appropriate.

    BONUS! The Editable Publisher File also includes space where each school can add information about its procedure for reporting HIB incidents anonymously, consistent with statutory and administrative requirements. (See below for more information.)

    The Editable Publisher File comes in four different design options – use as many as you like! You have full permission from NJSIG to edit these posters in whatever way makes sense for your school. We have also listed some additional resources below that you may consider including on your customizable posters.

    Questions? Printing Issues?

    All of these posters are in an 11x17 format, which most standard printers can accommodate. We also suggest that you consider adding these posters to your district's website. If you have any questions or need assistance printing or customizing these posters, please contact Lauren Schilling at lschilling@njsig.org.

    Additional Safety Resources

    Here are some additional helplines, hotlines, tip lines and reporting forms that you may want to include on your customizable posters:

    Youth Support Hotlines

    New Jersey Hopeline: 1-855-NJ-HOPELINE (654-6735)

    (New Jersey’s 24/7 Peer Support and Suicide Prevention Hotline)

    New Jersey Mental Health Cares: 1-866-202-HELP (4357)

    (24/7 free confidential emotional support hotline)

    2nd Floor Youth Hotline: 1-888-222-2228

    (Confidential and anonymous helpline for NJ's youth and young adults)

    The Peer Recovery WarmLine Mental Health Association in New Jersey: 1-877-292-5588

    (Peer-run service providing support to mental health consumers)

    NJ Connect for Recovery Call Line: 1-855-652-3737

    (Free and confidential)

    NJ's Department of Children and Families' Children's System of Care (CSOC): 1-877-652-7624

    (24-hour, toll-free Access Line)

    Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741

    (Text with a live Crisis Counselor for free 24/7

    New Jersey's Addiction Helpline: 1-844-REACHNJ (732-2465)

    (New Jersey’s free 24/7 addiction hotline for people with Substance Use Disorder)

    State Police

    State Police - Missing Persons: 1-800-709-7090

    Division of Criminal Justice

    Report Crime: 1-800-277-2427

    Confidential Crime Tip Reporting Form

    Attorney General's Office

    Bias Crimes - Toll Free Hotline: 1-800-277-BIAS (2427)

    Bias Crimes - Reporting Form

    More Information on Anonymous HIB Incident Reporting

    In order to help our members comply with HIB statutory and administrative requirements, our customizable posters (the Editable Publisher Files) include a space in which each school can add information about its procedure for reporting an HIB incident anonymously.

    New Jersey schools are statutorily required to have a method for anonymous HIB reporting. N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15(a), (b) provides as follows: "Each school district shall adopt a policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying on school property, at a school-sponsored function or on a school bus. … [T]he policy shall contain, at a minimum, the following components: … (5) a procedure for reporting an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying, including a provision that permits a person to report an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying anonymously; however, this shall not be construed to permit formal disciplinary action solely on the basis of an anonymous report." The same requirement appears in the administrative regulations at N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.7 (requiring school districts to adopt an HIB policy that "permits a person to report anonymously consistent with N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15.b(5).").

    Guidance from the NJ Department of Education on HIB reporting provides as follows: "The district should consider every mechanism available to simplify reporting, including standard reporting forms and Web-based reporting mechanisms. For anonymous reporting, schools should consider locked boxes located in areas of the school where reports can be submitted without fear of being observed." (State of New Jersey Department of Education: MODEL POLICY AND GUIDANCE FOR PROHIBITING HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING ON SCHOOL PROPERTY, AT SCHOOL-SPONSORED FUNCTIONS AND ON SCHOOL BUSES (revised April 2011) (available at http://www.state.nj.us/education/parents/bully.htm at 18).