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  • As a premier provider of insurance and risk management solutions for school districts in the State of New Jersey, NJSIG understands that it is essential that we maintain normal operations during this difficult time. We can assure our members, brokers, sub-fund administrators, and other insurance partners that all of our operating systems are accessible, and that we will remain responsive to your insurance and risk management needs no matter where we are physically working.

    These procedures will remain in effect until further notice, although they are subject to change as conditions warrant. NJSIG will continue to monitor the recommendations from the CDC and the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) and will advise of any changes to these procedures.

    Visit our contact page to get in touch with us. [Read More]

    National and New Jersey School Guidance

    COVID-19 Resources

    New Jersey School’s Mask Mandate, Testing and Vaccination Guidance and Requirements

    NJSIG's Newsletters and Announcements

    Back to School Training and Resources


    Formerly SafeSchools

    All VectorSolutions courses are available at no cost to NJSIG members!

    • Coronavirus: CDC Guidelines for Making and Using Cloth Face Coverings
    • Coronavirus: Cleaning and Disinfecting your Workplace
    • Coronavirus: Managing Stress and Anxiety
    • Coronavirus: Preparing your Household
    • Coronavirus: Reopening your Organization
    • Coronavirus: Transitioning for a Remote Workplace
    If you need help logging into your account, please contact our Safety and Risk Control Department representative or email riskcontrol@njsig.org.


    To view all courses included in NJSIG's partnership with LEGAL ONE, please click here. These courses are available for school administrators, principals and supervisors at no cost to members!