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  • Safety Grant Program

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    NJSIG is returning $2,000,000 in Safety Grants in 2024!

    Since 2009, NJSIG has awarded over $52,971,280 in Safety Grants back to members as part of our commitment to help member schools keep dollars in the classroom. NJSIG's Safety Grant program provides funding to members to invest in proactive risk management and safety related project improvements. The goal is to develop a strong safety culture in New Jersey school communities and help reduce costs thereby keeping dollars in the classroom. For questions regarding the Safety Grant process, please contact grants@njsig.org.

    In order to be eligible for NJSIG's Safety Grant, members must:

    • Be a member of NJSIG when the Safety Grant is declared by the Board of Trustees and when distributed by NJSIG.
    • Have their three (3) year resolution signed, approved and filed with NJSIG.
    • Follow the grant application requirements set forth by NJSIG each year.

    Safety Grant Return History

    Safety grants may be approved by NJSIG's Board of Trustees when NJSIG's change in net position is more than NJSIG's non-operating revenue. This typically occurs in the fall and is based on the policy year that just ended. (ex. NJSIG's net position is more than its non-operating revenue for the 2020/2021 policy, NJSIG's board may approve a safety grant in the fall of 2021 during the 2021/2022 policy year but is actually dispersed to the membership in the fall of 2022, which would be considered as the 2022/2023 policy year.)