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  • About Us

    Our History:

    In 1983, 38 New Jersey school districts joined to create a workers’ compensation partnership under the sponsorship of the New Jersey School Boards Association. By 1988, the membership had expanded to 90 districts, necessitating the Group’s acquisition of its own staff. NJSIG has continued to grow steadily with over 365 current members.

    NSJIG is overseen by a board of trustees comprised of board members, superintendents and business administrators from member districts. The NJSIG Board of Trustees meets seven times annually. Please see the following for the Trustee Meeting Schedule and Minutes.

    Through this growth, however, one thing remains constant: We strive to keep more dollars where they belong: IN THE CLASSROOM.

    Our Coverages include:

    • Automobile Liability
    • Automobile Physical Damage
    • Crime
    • Cyber Liability
    • Environmental Liability
    • Equipment Breakdown
    • General Liability
    • Property
    • School Leaders Errors & Omissions
    • Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability
    • Workers’ Compensation Supplemental Indemnity

    Click Here for more information on how to report a claim.