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  • NJSIG Employment Practices Hotline Attorney (NEPHA)

    Call 201-623-1223 | Email NEPHA@cgajlaw.com

    Call or email the hotline for direct access to local employment law and educational attorneys, to receive documented and confidential responses to your organization's specific employment-related questions.

    Deductible waived, if E&O claim is made and the hotline was used!

    All districts that have school board leader liability or "SBLL" coverage, also referred to as Errors and Omissions or "E&O" coverage, with NJSIG are entitled to use NJSIG's Employment Practices Hotline Attorney (NEPHA) and its accompanying online employment resources, at no additional charge!

    These valuable services can help your district avoid making employment decisions that can lead to costly lawsuits. When your district is considering taking an adverse employment action, please be sure to contact the hotline and get some valuable legal input first. An experienced local attorney that understands school law in New Jersey will thoroughly review the issues and promptly provide you with documented advice and a recommended course of action. This is all at no charge to the district. And then, if an E&O claim is made against the district but the district had consulted the hotline first, the district's E&O deductible will be waived for the claim! (We ask that only superintendents, business administrators, and human resource managers make inquiries to the hotline.)

    10 Situations When to Call the Employment Practices Hotline

    On a daily basis, school administrators face many difficult decisions in dealing with their employees. The NEPHA Hotline can help your district make the right decisions and avoid potential liability.

    Here are 10 common situations that you may face where the hotline can help:

    1. Family Medical Leave requests
    2. Pregnancy leave requests
    3. Reduction in force
    4. Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) matters
    5. Disability accommodations requests
    6. Harassment allegations / Discrimination complaints
    7. Progressive discipline
    8. Acquisition of tenure
    9. Employee transfers
    10. Physical/psychological evaluations

    The above is not intended to be a comprehensive list. When you have concerns regarding a difficult employee decision, call the hotline!

    The NEPHA Hotline is operated by the law firm of Cleary, Giacobbe, Alfieri and Jacobs. Only a Superintendent, Business Administrator or Head of Human Resources may make the contact.

    View the NEPHA flyer